Zack Loken
Based in Madison, Zack develops and implements scalable image analysis protocols for phenotyping individual tree and shrub plants, estimating carbon sequestration in above-ground tree crop biomass, relating tree crop yield and plant health to specific elements of agroforestry systems design, and detecting landscape features to improve the targeting of new agroforestry production areas. This work speeds the development of resilient and productive new tree crop varieties, increases the confidence that climate mitigation benefits can be attributed to agroforestry, substitutes traditional hands-on measurements for tree crop yield and plant health, and refines crop suitability mapping. In his free time, Zack enjoys wandering outdoors with his dog, running through the UW Arboretum, and going to live shows with friends.

One-On-One Support for Farm Planning
Technical Service Program
Get help planning your perennial farm system. Our Technical Service Program is here to guide you through the process of planning, funding, and planting trees on your farm.