Browse educational media about perennial agriculture
Looking for interviews and research on tree farm planning? We develop multimedia educational resources and tell the stories of farmers and landowners making the transition to perennial agriculture.

Online Courses
Our online agroforestry courses focus on key tree crops and practices, marketing, land access and finances, agroecology, and climate change.
Monthly Newsletters
The Savanna Institute publishes a monthly newsletter with our latest resources on agroforestry. Check out our past issues and subscribe.

Farm Photos
Each year, we collect photos from demonstration sites and partner farms around the Midwest that show agroforestry in different contexts and scales.
Search Publications
Thinking about a new perennial crop? Our handouts, grower guides, and investment reports can help you plan food and farm systems that include trees. We publish regular resources to guide you on your path the perennial agriculture.
Watch Videos
Our videos take viewers on virtual tours of Midwest farms to see agroforestry in a variety of contexts. Hear the stories of farmers talking about the transition to perennial agriculture, and what motivates them to farm sustainably with trees.

Find Podcasts
Our podcast about perennial agroforestry (AF) features interviews, questions from listeners, storytelling, and more. Subscribe to Perennial AF to hear real AF conversations with some of the Midwest’s top agroforesters and perennial farmers.