
Support Our Work

Just like the multi-species, interconnected farming systems we champion, you and thousands of others in our community are working together to create a more hopeful future. Thanks to our supporters, the Savanna Institute has put down roots and is doing more than we thought possible. 
Hazelnut on tree in focus, with farmer standing in the background

Other Ways to Give

Gifts of Land/Property

We’re honored to be considered in this type of giving and are uniquely qualified to steward such gifts in ways that honor your legacy and longstanding commitment to the land. Contact our Executive Director to learn more about how to arrange your gift of land and what that entails.

Planned Giving/Bequests

Planned giving is a wonderful way to honor loved ones and ensure your legacy and commitment to the environment lives on. Planned gifts may include cash, securities, qualified retirement plan/IRA assets, the death benefit from life insurance, or real estate. Contact our Development Director to learn more about planned giving.

Gifts of Stock

Gifts of stock maximize giving while reducing capital gains. Talk to your financial advisor or planner to see if this makes sense for you, then contact our Admin team or give us a call at (608) 448-6432.

If you would like to donate by check, please make checks payable to:

The Savanna Institute
2453 Atwood Ave.
Suite 209
Madison, WI 53704

Giving FAQ

What does Savanna Institute do?

SI lays the groundwork for widespread agroforestry – one of the most hopeful solutions for drawing down carbon. In addition to carbon drawdown, agroforestry practices help farmers diversify and increase income, restore natural habitats for wildlife, produce healthier crops, and restore water and soil quality. 

Through interdisciplinary efforts of research, education, outreach, and commercialization we’re working to transform agriculture in the midwest and addressing the climate crisis.

Where does Savanna Institute work?

Our work is rooted in the Midwest, because our knowledge is rooted in the midwest. We believe agriculture should learn from and reflect the land its practiced on, not the other way around.

When we look at the most problematic agricultural practices globally, many of them can be traced back to midwestern practices like monocropping – which depletes soil, pollutes water, and increases insects and pests (thus increasing the need for pesticides and fertilizer) – being forced into other environments. 

If we can fix what went wrong here, in one of the major breadbaskets of the world, we’re hopeful we’ll be able to share that knowledge beyond the midwest in ways that help repair and restore land, air, water, and profitability for farmers the world over.

How does Savanna Institute use my gift?

Unless otherwise specified, gifts given to the Savanna Institute support unrestricted funding. This means that your gift will go where it’s most needed. 


Unrestricted funds help us run a more efficient and effective organization, which allows us to scale up internally AND externally. We engage in lots of projects and impressive initiatives, but they don’t go far without the staff and infrastructure to support them. When you give to our general fund, you’re supporting our entire organization, not just a specific project, and there’s nothing that has a greater impact or further reach! 

We get really excited about the impact of unrestricted funding and are always happy to talk more about it and why it’s so vital to our work. If you have additional questions, feel free to contact our Development Department.

Can I direct my gift to a specific project or program?

Of course! Many of our donors choose to fund projects or programs directly and we’re happy to honor those requests. To make a restricted gift, contact our Development Department.

Will my company match my gift?

Great question! Many companies will match employees’ philanthropic giving, doubling or even tripling your impact at no added cost to you! To find out whether your company has a matching gift program and how to take advantage of it, talk with your HR department and then be sure to let us know when you give that you’re enrolled in matched giving.

Is my gift tax deductible?

Yes! As a 501(c)3 organization, all gifts made to the Savanna Institute are tax deductible to the full extent as determined by the IRS. Learn more here.

How is Savanna Institute funded?

The Savanna Institute relies on a combination of private donations, grants, government funding, and program generated revenue. You can see more about our funding in our Perennial Report.

Who can I talk to more about giving?

You can contact our Development Department with any giving related questions.

CFC #62915