Climate Change

Agroforestry is a top solution to cool the climate

The Savanna Institute is working to transform Midwest agriculture into a climate solution. Farmers and communities who plant trees for food in agroforestry systems add nature-based climate solutions to the landscape that can draw down carbon for generations. Agroforestry has potential to both reduce agricultural emissions and remove and store lots of carbon, transforming agriculture from a source of emissions, to a natural climate solution that absorbs more than it emits.
Devon Brock-Montgomery (water quality program manager) walks along wooded road at Savanna Institute's Hillside Farm, Spring Green, Wisconsin.
Green frog perched on a blade of grass.

Climate Facts

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Our Research

Savanna Institute’s researchers study climate mitigation strategies that reduce greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, and adaptation strategies to help farmers anticipate changes in the climate.

Climate Adaption

To help Midwest farmers build climate resilience, we study the relationships between tree species and their environment to help match tree crops to the landscape. Our Landscape Ecologist uses crop suitability models to map out where perennial crops will thrive today and long into the future. This research will help farmers and technical service providers in selecting crops that will be both financially and environmentally sustainable.

Climate Mitigation

Our Ecosystem Services Team researches the climate mitigation potential of agroforestry. We work to improve methods of predicting and measuring how much carbon farmers can draw down from the air into the soil when they plant trees on farms. Accurate predictions are essential to unlocking investment in agroforestry as a nature-based climate solution. We also research strategies for assessing and reducing greenhouse gas emissions produced in agroforestry systems. Many farmers and communities want to contribute to climate solutions. We offer the science needed to make climate-smart investments in our food system.

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