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Thank you – Farm Narrative

Thank you for downloading the Urban Agroforestry Trainings Report

Farm Narrative

Filling out a Farm Narrative will help you identify what you want to do, who can help, and…

Stewarding a Vision at Hillside Pastures in Spring Green, Wisconsin

When Daniel and Linda Marquardt purchased their first farm in Spring Green, Wisconsin in the mid 1990s, the…

Perennials for Profit and Biodiversity

Maggie Taylor, owner of Delight Flower Farm, grew up with a mom and grandpa who were avid gardeners.…

Eligible Farmers Invited to Apply for Participation in Agroforestry Program

Eligible producers with crop and grazing operations are invited to apply to the Expanding Agroforestry Incentive Payment Program…

“In Some Cases It’s Actually Not That Hard” – Silvopasture Farm Tour with Erik Hagan

Erik Hagan, farm director of the Spring Green Campus, leads a farm tour of silvopasture systems in this…

What tree crops are suitable for your land? Canopy Compass can tell you

Advice about what trees to plant is one of the most common requests we get at the Savanna…

The Pros and Cons of Windbreaks and Riparian Buffers – Eliza Greenman and Nate Lawrence

Tree crop researchers Eliza Greenman and Nate Lawrence discuss the pros, cons, and tradeoffs of windbreak and riparian…
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