Our Staff

Eliza Greenman

Germplasm Specialist

(608) 448-6432 ext. 210

As a Germplasm Specialist, Eliza assembles large seedling populations for several key agroforestry crops that currently lack phenotypically and genotypically diverse germplasm repositories in the Upper Midwest. Eliza joins Savanna Institute’s Tree Crop Improvement Team already having a long history of collaboration with the organization, including as a keynote speaker at our 2021 Perennial Farm Gathering. She is a fruit explorer and horticultural historian who designs and implements agroforestry plans that integrate livestock (and humans) into tree crop systems/orchards.

“The Indiana Jones of Agroforestry” with Eliza Greenman

Eliza joins Savanna Institute’s agroforestry podcast, Perennial AF, to talk about fruit exploring.