Farm Narrative

Are you ready to write a Farm Narrative?

A Farm Narrative is meant to help you think and reflect on your goals, your situation, and your vision. Ultimately, the ideal plan for the land you steward is the one that best fits your goals. Filling out a Farm Narrative will help you identify what you want to do, who can help, and what resources are available. It’s a critical step in making sure agroforestry is a great fit!

Hand touching a small plant surrounded by moss and other green understory forest plantlilfe.

Farm Narrative Resources

Primary Decision Makers

Curious about why it’s important to include other decision makers? Listen to this Episode of the Perennial AF podcast on generational dynamics in agroforestry. “My Dad and I Are Both Stubborn…”

The Basics

Want to learn more about the basics of agroforestry or take a deep dive into growing tree-crops? View these infographics or consider reading this book for more information.

Explore the five USDA-recognized agroforestry practices with these infographics.

Get ready to learn about the 5 practices of agroforestry in these easy to understand infographics! Click to download all of these documents and start your journey into understanding the power and potential of agroforestry.

Perennial Pathways Planting Tree Crops

  • A comprehensive, 110-page guidebook to designing and installing farm-scale edible agroforestry
  • Indispensable for new agroforestry farmers throughout the stages of farm startup
  • Available as a free PDF download and also as a book shipped directly to you for $26


Need to think about farm finances and agroforestry some more? Listen to this episode of the Perennial AF Podcast on “Fearless Farm Finances”.

Planning for the Future

To help you think through your long-term vision, we recommend that you check out the guided meditation developed specifically for this step. Listen to this recording to get started (LINK TO COME).